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Who We Are


The Cedar Rapids Noon Lions Club was founded May 6, 1920 as part of Lions Clubs International (LCI), the largest service organization in the world. LCI's mission statement is "to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs."

In 1925, Helen Keller challenged Lions Clubs to become the "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." Many of the projects our club sponsors relate to eyesight - from collecting eyeglasses to testing children's eyes as part of the KidSight program. 

In 2017, Lions Clubs International celebrated its 100 year anniversary. As we move into the next century, our project interests have expanded to include Diabetes, Hunger, Environment, and Childhood Cancer, in addition to Vision programs. 

Our membership includes a wide variety of backgrounds and ages. As part of each meeting, we host a guest speaker speaking to a variety of interesting topics. Prospective members are welcome to attend a meeting to check us out!

Our club leadership includes:

      Dwight Dohlman, President/Treasurer

      Mary Doyle, Secretary

      Board members include: Al Huneke, Jan Federer,

      Mary Ann Dawson, Mary Huneke, Sam McCord, Steve

      Schroeder, Dean Thomas, Barb Taylor, Walt Hartman and

      Rich Rhineschmidt


Dear Lions Members,

On behalf of the Longfellow and Starry Schools, I want to thank you for helping screen vision at our Kindergarten Round-ups.So many parents came and thanked us for offering this to their children. I always made sure that they knew the Lions Club were the ones to thank!

We are so blessed to have your group available to help our families and for this I thank you!!!

                                            Sincerely, N.A., RN

                                            Marion District Nurse

Dear Cedar Rapids Noon Lions Club,

...I want to take the opportunity to send you a very belated but not forgotten huge "thank You' for both the eye exam and pair of eye glasses you purchased for me in February... My experience was absolutely lovely. I felt I was in very good hands with the doctor... I had not had my eyes examined in nearly a decade so her eye exam was a great blessing to me...My glasses were ordered and arrived in just a few days and my vision was, once again, marked with crisp clarity for the first in in a long time... It's so nice to have a solid pair of glasses again that aren't held together by duct tape... It is a great blessing to be able to look at a computer screen or book again with clarity instead of fighting through the fuzzy haze... And it's so nice to enjoy a new pair of lenses and frames that are a comfortable fit in every way as well as being a constant reminder of the kindness of strangers who reach beyond themselves to serve their fellow human beings...I am very grateful for you... Sincerely, J.J.

Dear Lions Club Members,

My most sincere thanks to the club for making hearingaids available to me. I have had a pair for just over one week now. They are life changing. Since having them they made life so much easier. I am now able to enjoy sounds I had forgotten even existed. It is wonderful to hear what is being said to me instead of guessing at it. No words can begin to thank the Lions Club for the decision to sponsor me in need for hearing aids. I am blessed by the kindness of your gift.

                                       Sincerely, C.O.

Cedar Rapids Noon Lions Club,

I would just like to say thank you so much for your donation towards the SCO SVOSH mission trip this coming May. Your generosity means the absolute world to me...without the support of caring individuals like yourselves trips like this may not be possible. So I thank you on behalf of those that will be receiving care as well as myself, because you are supporting my area to help others and become the best optometrist I can be."

                                         Thank you again,  T. H. 

Why We Serve
Meeting Schedule/Contact



First Luthern Church

(Lower Level NE Corner)

1000 Third Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, IA

Contact our membership chair

Sam McCord



Second and Fourth Thursday each month

11:45 to 1:15pm

Contact us to preorder a meal

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Mailing address: P.O. Box 1881, Cedar Rapids, IA. 52406
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